
This guide covers changes to the system with various releases that are relevant to developers and system administrators. This covers primarily changes to data models, admin features, and other 'behind-the-scenes' changes that are not likely to be of interest to typical users. For release notes that are user focused, see the EMERSE User Release Notes.

Version 4.4

Release date: 2018-07-13

  • Improved handling of cached javascript files

  • Fixed a recently introduced bug that prevented the demographics charts from loading in certain situations

  • Updated Spring Security to version 5.0.6

  • EMERSE dependencies on Solr/Lucene jars are now at version 7.3.1

Version 4.3

Release date: 2018-06-14

  • Fixed a bug where logging of a session attestation might sometimes be associated with a previously created user_session instead of the user_session created at the most recent login.

Version 4.2

Release date: 2018-06-09

  • Fixed a bug related to mixed case wildcard searches with the Advanced Terms feature

  • Improved search performance

  • Improved the Diagnostics page, which is useful for installations: For example,

    • Check to see that an all patient search returns at least some results

    • Check that the SOLR configuration is reasonable, for example that the fields in the database match the Solr configuration

    • Check that SOLR documents have a source field

    • Check to make sure a subset of MRNs match between the database and indexed Solr documents

Version 4.1.1

Release date: 2018-05-14

  • Upgraded Tomcat to version 9

  • Upgraded to Spring version 5

  • Cleaned up unused Oracle sequences and columns

  • Improved the ability to search metadata fields in the Advanced Terms feature

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 4.0

Release date: 2018-04-29

  • Upgraded Solr from version 6.0.0 to 7.2.1

  • Upgraded the Spring Framework to 4.3.15

  • Improved the installation/upgrade process that uses the Liquibase output

  • Minor bug fixes (for example, removing a rare "null pointer" error)

  • Changed a database table name from release_info to environment_info. Two columns have been removed which were related to the version number and release date. This is so that the table can be modified once at initial setup to record the specific environment (prod, test, etc) without needing to be updated again.

  • The specific release version number is no longer in a database table but instead embedded in the WAR file distribution. This is to help ensure that the version number will be automatically distributed/updated with each software release.

  • Cron jobs for scheduling some events are now more easily configurable using the properties file.

  • The Administrator app now shows the logs for the current environment, which may be helpful when trouble-shooting.

Version 3.10

Release date: 2018-04-23

  • Improved search performance for the Overview feature, by making changing to how the messaging broker handled requests from multiple users.

Version 3.9.1

Release date: 2018-04-02

  • Fixed some javascript code that prevented some documents from being displayed in certain Chrome browsers.

  • The default font was changed to the Google font "Muli". This should be easier to read. This change was also made so that the font could be downloaded and included with the app to ensure greater consistency in the look of the app across browsers and operating systems.

  • Fixed an error on the administrator page that could occur when changing roles for a user that had multiple roles assigned to them

  • Changed the handling of the lucene.indexPath setting in the project.properties file so that the code can work correctly whether there is or is not a trailing slash on the pathname.

  • Added a new Log tab to the Admin page. This is currently a placeholder for functionality that will come later to help with reporting issues that may be recorded in the logs.

Version 3.8

Release date: 2018-02-12

  • Improved server timeout handling that was preventing some users from obtaining results for time-intensive searches.

  • Added a new database table (release_info) to keep track of the version number (which is shown in the browser’s title bar and the EMERSE About menu), as well as information about the specific environment (dev, test, prod, etc).

  • Added a display option for the upper right of the EMERSE application that enables display of the specific environment that is active (dev, test, prod). This can be turned off for the production system with a database flag (using display_on_ui).

  • Removed help balloons from the application. Also removed the tables user_help_complete which kept track of which balloons were to be shown for each user as well as the table help_balloon which stored the actual content of the help balloons. These database table changes are incorporated in the SQL LiquiBase update script so should be removed automatically when updating from a prior version.

  • Various IE 11 browser fixes for compatibility with the Administrator Page

  • Improved functionality on the Administrator Page

  • Fixed a null pointer error that could occur if the patient Solr index was not synced up with the patients in the patient table or when the all patient search join query did not return any rows.

Version 3.7

Release date: 2018-01-26

  • Improved the security for browser inactivity by forcing a logoff after X minutes.

  • Made the forced logout for inactivity configurable in the project.properties file. Two new properties are now defined: application.idle.timeout and application.warn.length.

  • Made contact/help information within the application (in the About menu and the Feedback menu) configurable. It will now just open a new e-mail within the user’s email client, but admins can define where the e-mail is sent in the project.properties file using the email property

  • Fixed bug to ensure that only users with an admin role can open the admin page

Version 3.6

Release date: 2018-01-12

  • Improved reliability of ActiveMQ that was causing issues of system non-responsiveness with queries that Lucene could not handle. This involve adding JMX support and refactoring some of the Spring integration.

  • Improved messaging for users when Lucene encountered a query it could not handle

Version 3.5

Release date: 2017-12-20

  • Various tables and column names have been renamed to better reflect their current purpose. Examples include changing document_index to document_source, renaming lucene_shards to SOLR_INDEX, and renaming columns in Document_fields: Lucene_name to schema_field_name.

  • Made removal of leading zeroes configurable when uploading patient medical record numbers. There is now a new property in emerse.properties: patientList.stripLeadingZerosOnMRNInsert. See 'EMERSE Configuration and Optimization Guide' for details.

  • Database build now based on Liquibase, which should make implementations as well as future upgrades easier to support.

  • Diagnostic page added to project for installation troubleshooting. The page is available to admins and can be found at diagnostics.html.

  • Changes were made to the project.properties file in order to make additional elements configurable, such as how MRNs are formatted.