Terms/concepts related to COVID-19 (including terms related to ventilation, dialysis, N95 masks, etc) are available for download from this page, and may be helpful for natural language processing, information retrieval, or text mining tasks. These terms have been incorporated into the overall EMERSE Synonyms dataset but are being made available here without licensing restrictions to help with the current pandemic. These terms were developed based on concepts typed into the EMERSE search engine at the University of Michigan as well as other online resources (news reports, etc). Note that in accordance with how the EMERSE Synonyms have been developed, these terms are not mapped to any specific vocabulary, taxonomy, or ontology. Additionally, terms like "COVID+" and "COVID-" are not included, because the + and - symbols are ignored by EMERSE. The dataset is available a simple comma-separated file. The file format is described here. If you have any variations you would like to contribute, please send them to David Hanauer: hanauer@umich.edu. This dataset has been used in a peer-reviewed publication.
Total rows in file: 4,284
Terms last updated on: June 05, 2020
Example terms related to COVID-19 variations:
2019 coronavirus