EMERSE (Electronic Medical Record Search Engine) is software that helps researchers accurately find and extract important patient details like diagnoses, medications, procedures, and complications from clinical notes. EMERSE is easy for non-technical people to use and enables health research that was previously inefficient or nearly impossible. As one user remarked, "The functionality is very friendly and it saved hours of time during the data collection process. Thank you."
Open source software built to commercial-grade standards
Researchers at Utrecht University in the Netherlands used EMERSE to identify 21 patients with Boerhaave syndrome, "a rare, life-threatening condition, characterized by spontaneous esophageal rupture" https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00464...
EMERSE "was utilized to perform term-based queries of clinicians' notes" for study "Factors Associated With the Recovery of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients With Anthracycline-Induced Left Ventricular Dysfunction" @ShuggTyler @rtdess @salimhayek @JasmineLuzum https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/fu...
Join us for our next EMERSE Community Meeting. Open to everyone, Virtual online. Monday February 10, 2025, 1-2 PM ET. Topic: Updates from the EMERSE team. Register at: https://bit.ly/emerse-community-feb-2025
Researchers used EMERSE for a "retrospective analysis of all patients undergoing superficial parotidectomy for biopsy-confirmed benign parotid gland tumors over a five-year period." @Jossmi23 @MattSpector4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S01960...
EMERSE helped "screen clinical notes...to ensure compliance with exclusion criteria" in study of the "first independent investigation validating the diLQTS PRS ...within a large real-world patient cohort." @Ana04524295 @JasmineLuzum https://journals.lww.com/jpharmacogenetics/abstract/2025/01...
EMERSE was used for the study, "Diabetic foot infection severity as a predictor of re-ulceration following partial forefoot amputation". Finding: " Patients with higher diabetic foot infection severity based on IDSA classification are at greater risk for developing re-ulceration following a partial forefoot amputation." https://www.jfas.org/article/S1067-2516(24)00277-1/abstract
Join us for our next EMERSE Community Meeting. Open to everyone, Virtual online. Monday February 10, 2025, 1-2 PM ET. Topic: Updates from the EMERSE team. Register at: https://bit.ly/emerse-community-feb-2025
EMERSE supported the research: "Documenting human papillomavirus vaccine refusal among adolescents in electronic health records: A mixed methods study" @stjeandenise https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0264410X24011496
Researchers used EMERSE for the "first study to assess the prevalence of patient-provider discussions regarding LAAO [left atrial appendage occlusion] procedures in patients following a major bleed while on anticoagulation." @GBarnesMD https://www.thrombosisresearch.com/article/S0049-3848%282...
NCI Cancer Data Science
Learn more about Electronic Medical Record Search Engine, a text processing system that uses natural language processing capabilities to help you work with unstructured data from electronic health record systems.
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, Ph.D.
The first event of the #CCDI webinar series this year discusses @projectEMERSE, an open-source software supporting #CancerResearch using clinical notes from EHRs:
Join us for our next EMERSE Community Meeting. Open to everyone, Virtual online. Monday February 10, 2025, 1-2 PM ET. Topic: Updates from the EMERSE team. Register at: https://bit.ly/emerse-community-feb-2025
Patients who "had been diagnosed with PPCM from 1999 to 2019 were identified through chart review using..ICD codes and free text search engines [EMERSE]" in study that found "lactation was not associated with lower rates of myocardial recovery". @lal2122 @stephspehar @langenelizabeth @MelindaDavisMD https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentra...
EMERSE was used to find patients in the EHR who used tobacco-free nicotine (TFN) for study identifying, "a deficit in current social history templates and the need to recognize TFN pouches as distinct entities." @t__stack @TheresaWrites_ @ProfBrentSenior https://aao-hnsfjournals.onlinelibrary...
"As there are not ICD codes specific to undifferentiated carcinoma of the pancreas, patients'...unstructured medical records were..searched using EMERSE for terms indicating undifferentiated carcinoma" @JamieMillsDrMom @JiaqiShi https://doi.org/10.1093/jncics/pkae097
EMERSE was used to identify 49 patients "diagnosed with HSCR [Hirschsprung's disease] from June 2010 to June 2020 who underwent a biopsy and definitive ERPT [endorectal pull‐through]." Finding: "inflammation on diagnostic rectal biopsy for HSCR is associated with increased anastomotic leak rates." @LotakisMD @NateRubalcava @ElizabethSpeck https://doi.org/10.1002/jpn3.12047
EMERSE version 7 is now officially released! This version has many updates, including incorporation of natural language processing (NLP) capabilities.
"Potentially eligible patients were identified through a text-search for the words 'myoclonus,' 'EEG,' 'SSEP,' and associated synonyms using...EMERSE" in study with findings that "SSEPs may retain prognostic value in patients with post-anoxic myoclonus." @wesleytkerr https://doi.org/10.1177/08850666241287154
EMERSE was used to identify gastrointestinal irAEs [immune-related adverse events] in patients with cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), in a paper which "adds novel information to the current understanding of multisystem irAEs". @TrevorBarloweMD @AndrewMMoon https://journals.lww.com/ctg/abstract/9900...
EMERSE was used to identify research participants who "likely had traumatic stress based on...clinical notes in their electronic health records" in paper published in Psychiatry Research. @aghorwitz @alysonzalta https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2024.116209
Clinical data were obtained with the help of EMERSE for the paper, "Relative muscle indices and healthy reference values for sarcopenia assessment using T10 through L5 computed tomography skeletal muscle area". https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-71613-x
EMERSE Community Meeting, Tuesday October 1, 2024, 1-2 PM ET. Topic: Version 7 release, with embedded natural language processing (NLP) and other new features/capabilities. Open to everyone. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQL...
EMERSE supported "Allostatic Load/Chronic Stress and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients Diagnosed With Breast, Lung, or Colorectal Cancer" @nickolastab @MBittencourtMD @Real_DRJXM @NeNe_LaShaun @sdent_duke @amibanerjee1 @DSadlerMD @AnaBaracCardio @Montero_MD @avirupguha https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.033295
"next generation sequencing results, disease characteristics, and treatment data were collected" with the help of EMERSE in the paper "PARP inhibitor therapy in patients with IDH1 mutated cholangiocarcinoma" @ArathiMohan3 https://doi.org/10.1093/oncolo/oyae163
"For cohort discovery, EMERSE...was employed to search the University of Michigan electronic medical record (MiChart) for eligible subjects with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease..." @MehwishAhmedMD @KaraJencks @IBDimmunology @ibddoctor @umfoodoc https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1...
EMERSE was used to screen for patients with TANGO2 deficiency disorder (TDD) and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, and was able to successfully identify a patient with both. @Sarahelegans @NotoriousEMG https://doi.org/10.1002/ajmg.a.63778
EMERSE was used to support the research for the PhD thesis "Prescription Medications and Abnormal Heart Rhythms: Understanding Genetics of Drug-Induced Long QT Syndrome" by Ana I. Lopez Medin @Ana04524295 https://dx.doi.org/10.7302/23094
Researchers at UCSF recently published a paper that used EMERSE to identify patients with metastatic breast cancer [MBC] and leptomeningeal disease [LMD]. Conclusion: "Novel therapeutic strategies for LMD remain an area of unmet clinical need." @laura_huppert @hoperugo @BalassanianRon https://link.springer.com/article/10.10...
In paper about Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome in patients with Trichodiscoma and Fibrofolliculoma skin lesions, "Study patients were identified...[with] EMERSE...using the terms 'trichodiscoma' and 'fibrofolliculoma,' and iterations thereof, accounting for potential misspelling (e.g., 'trichidiscoma')" @ShabetChristina @meerkat_413 @tobi_else https://link.springer.com/article/10.1...
Clinical information (primary diagnosis, history of [opioid use disorder], pain type and levels) was abstracted using EMERSE in paper "Rotating Palliative Care Patients From Full Agonist Opioids to Low Dose Milligram Buprenorphine". https://www.jpsmjournal.com/article/S0885-39...
EMERSE was used to identify "new onset 'paroxysmal events' concerning for seizures" in the paper "Is it a seizure? Prediction tool for seizure likelihood in children aged 1–24 months admitted for electroencephalographic monitoring of paroxysmal, rhythmic, and repetitive events" @DrMelCarrasco @NancyMc69680658 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/epi.18018
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University used EMERSE in the paper, "Inappropriate Ordering of Multitarget Stool DNA Tests for Colon Cancer Screening", with main finding: "providers may not be familiar with guidelines for the indicated use of mtsDNA, leading to inappropriate referrals and increased costs." @SajalKulhari https://www.jabfm.org/content/37/2/328.long
EMERSE "was used to collect concomitant medications; medical history, including smoking status, urology consult, results of cystoscopy, if done; and if a new urologic cancer was diagnosed." for paper "Unexplained hematuria in direct oral anticoagulant use: a single-center retrospective case series" @laherrel @GBarnesMD https://www.rpthjournal.org/article/S2475...
Researchers used EMERSE to identify patients impacted by incarceration for what the team described as "the first study describing ethics consultation utilization for patients impacted by incarceration". Search terms included "prison", "jail", "parole", "probation", "police", "arrest" and "warden". https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/jchc.23.10.0083
EMERSE helped identify patients with search terms such as "rib", "cadaveric", "costal", and "rhinoplasty" for the study "Outcomes of Autologous Versus Irradiated Homologous Costal Cartilage Graft in Rhinoplasty" which provided a "contemporary evaluation of outcomes in septorhinoplasty with costal cartilage." https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/fpsam.2023.0334
EMERSE was used to identify grossly bloody stools in clinical notes for the study "Management of Hematochezia in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease Admitted to the Acute Care Cardiology Unit: A Multicenter Retrospective Pilot Study". https://www.jpeds.com/article/S002...
Researchers used EMERSE to search through clinical notes for what they report is the "largest study that investigated the association of candidate genetic variants with the risk of diLQTS [Drug-induced long QT syndrome]." https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2...
EMERSE was used to identify patients who underwent whole-spine radiography for the study, "Development and validation of an artificial intelligence model to accurately predict spinopelvic parameters" https://thejns.org/spine/vie...
Rate of preoperative hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone replacement were collected using EMERSE for the study, "Association of preoperative thyroid hormone replacement with perioperative complications after major abdominal surgery". Main findings: "Preoperative thyroid hormone replacement independently predicts operative morbidity and length of stay following major abdominal surgery." https://www.americanjournalofsurger...
EMERSE was used to identify 11 patients among 2.7 million for inclusion in a study reported to be the "largest case series of patients with long-term follow-up" for those with Le Fort III Osteotomies for Midface Advancement in the paper, "Advantages of an Image-Guided Subcranial Technique for Le Fort III Osteotomies for Midface Advancement: A Case Series" https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1...
Join us on May 15 for our next EMERSE Community meeting. Featured guest speaker is Jackie Gravitt who will give a short talk on "Implementing EMERSE at the University of Virginia: Lessons Learned". https://project-emerse.org/community.html
EMERSE, "coupled with a thorough medical chart review, was used to ensure acute pathology only" in a study on Acute type A intramural hematomas. Conclusions: "Conclusions: Acute type A IMH could be treated with emergency open aortic repair with excellent short- and midterm outcomes." https://www.jtcvs.org/article/S00...
Researchers used EMERSE to identify "396 women with advanced HGSC (FIGO stages 3C-4) receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy between 2010 and 2019" for a study looking at the "radiologic–pathologic correlation of response assessment and predictors of progression". https://link.springer.com/article/10.10...
Mark your calendar for the next EMERSE Community Meeting. May 15, 2024, 12-1 PM ET. Open to everyone, on Zoom. Register at : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe...
EMERSE was used to identify patients with neonatal strokes for the study, "Routine Echocardiography is not Required in Neonates with Arterial Ischemic Stroke". https://www.thieme-connect.com/produc...
Researchers used EMERSE because the "ISTH criteria are purely clinical criteria and there is no validated algorithm to help identify bleeding cases electronically" in paper about Bleeding from DOACs. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rpth.2023.102285
EMERSE was used to abstract data including demographics, treatment indication, topical 5-FU regimen, and toxicities in the paper "Risk of Toxicity From Topical 5- Fluorouracil Treatment in Patients Carrying DPYD Variant Alleles". https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wile...
EMERSE was used to assist with data collection for the paper, "Pathogenic Germline Mutational Landscape in Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma and Associated Clinicopathologic Features". https://ascopubs.org/doi/10...
EMERSE was used to "search patient records for alcohol-related keywords" to help develop a natural language processing tool that "demonstrated good discrimination of risky alcohol use using clinical text from pre-operative notes." https://doi.org/10.1111/acer...
Researchers used EMERSE to identify patients with Toxic Erythema of Chemotherapy for the "largest reported series of TEC, a difficult diagnosis given the heterogeneity of clinical presentations and histologic overlap with GVHD and other drug eruptions." https://journals.lww.com/amjdermatopa...
A team from U of Washington, UCSD, UCSF, & St. Jude used EMERSE to find patients for the abstract, "A Real-World Analysis of the Diagnostic Evaluation for Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a Pediatric Population" https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2023-180086
EMERSE was used to review records of "neonates...with HIE treated with therapeutic hypothermia...admitted to the...Neonatal ICU...and followed in the neonatal developmental clinic until 24 months corrected age." https://pediatr-neonatol.com/articl...
"outcomes for consecutive breast MRIs...were retrospectively reviewed" using EMERSE. Conclusion: "High-risk screening breast MRI was effective at detecting early breast cancer and associated with favorable outcomes." https://doi.org/10.1093/jbi/wbad092
"Initial diagnoses, comorbidities and outcomes of these [osteomyelitis] patients were then manually verified...through chart review using the Electronic Medical Record Search Engine." https://drc.bmj.com/content/11/6/e003611
Researchers used EMERSE "to search inpatient and outpatient records from 2000 to 2022" in paper, "Impact of Diplopia and Ptosis From Lingering Third Nerve Palsy After Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms" https://journals.lww.com/jneuro-ophthalm...
EMERSE was used to screen for patients with NAFLD in paper "Impact of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) on Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery". https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-023-06865-z
EMERSE supported a review of patients with plagiocephaly and a prescription for a cranial remolding orthosis (CRO) in the paper: "Success Rates of Cranial Remolding Orthosis Treatment of Plagiocephaly Based on Initial Presentation" https://journals.lww.com/jpojournal/abs...
EMERSE was used to identify patients for a study that concluded: "Routine thromboprophylaxis during neoadjuvant chemotherapy is associated with reduced risk of VTE throughout primary treatment..." https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.10.001
Use of EMERSE is described in the JMIR Research Protocols Paper, "Model Clinic to Increase Preventive Screenings Among Patients With Physical Disabilities: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Intervention Pilot Study" https://researchprotocols.org/2023/1/e50105
EMERSE supported paper from Seidman Cancer Center, "Thirty-Day Unplanned Hospital Readmissions in Patients With Cancer and the Impact of Social Determinants of Health..." https://ascopubs.org/doi/10.1200/CCI.22.00143